Yoyok Siswoyo



120 x 120 cm - AoC - 2024

Exhibited in Troubled Waters

Sepasang Koi

100 x 100 cm - AoC - 2024

Exhibited in Flat Circle Stagnants


A pair of Koi is a relationship centric piece, focused on the species which grows to the size of its environment. It was likened before to marriage where the tension, distance & power struggles would limit the growth of each individual. A constant balancing act is where momentum can carry the weight once the right pace is met.

Sepasang Ikan Koi adalah karya yang berfokus pada hubungan, bercerita tentang spesies ikan yang ukurannya tumbuh sesuai dengan lingkungannya.  Pernah diibaratkan dengan pernikahan, dimana ketegangan, jarak, dan perebutan kekuasaan dapat membatasi pertumbuhan masing-masing individu. Aksi penyeimbang yang terus menerus adalah dimana momentum dapat meringankan beban jika kecepatan yang tepat ditemukan.

Yoyok Siswoyo

High Hope

100 x 100 cm - AoC - 2024

Exhibited in OMG? RED! ^ D^

Accompanying the debut in Kendys of his son Angiring Lakuning Surya and friend Bangun Wahyudianto, Yoyok Siswoyo returned with High Hope, an heavy impasto strokes that leaves very little surface dormant. Naturally, the floral and energetic strokes suggest a feeling of optimism assisted by daylight temperature blooming around the edges of the piece.

Towards the Top

100 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024

Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing


Poised impasto light hues and oleopasto mid tones are new in their thickness in Yoyok’s paintings, adding a dimension after the marching movement within the midground. The vertical composition of flowery colors on natural green and the stacking of warm bright light lend the image the mentioned climb towards the top, both in Y and Z axis. As a final touch, the ivy-like sprawling piece is locked fittingly with a wooden frame to give a sense of a controlled floral arrangement bloom.



140 x 160 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

Exhibited in On Sunlit Path


analogous abstract action painting impasto custom


144 x 152 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

analogous abstract action painting impasto custom
split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom


120 x 120 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom

Flowering Season

153 x 153 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

Exhibited in On Sunlit Path

tertiary split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom

Spring #8

120 x 120 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

tertiary abstract action painting impasto custom

Making Love Series

tertiary abstract action painting impasto custom


45 X 54 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom


45 x 54 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023


54 x 45 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom


split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom

45 x 54 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

Free as the Breeze

153 x 153 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023


analogous abstract action painting impasto custom


80 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

tertiary abstract action painting impasto custom


70 x 90 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

tertiary abstract action painting impasto custom


Yoyok Siswoyo

Dengan Riang 

100 x 100 cm - AoC - 2022

Dengan Riang or Merrily So reveals a vibrant artwork of analogous petals as if forming a bouquet in the center. Thick paint helps creating the three-dimensional texture of organic layers especially on the periphery. The motion for Dengan Riang is almost cyclical like the following dark twister, preceeded with the explosive center, creating a fireworks-like effect.

A Hope Series

split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom

A Hope

120 x 120 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2022


split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom

A Hope #2

120 x 120 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2022

Morning Light

100 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2022

split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom

Sun and Weeds

60 x 60 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2022

analogous abstract action painting impasto custom


Inspirasi Alam #3

70 x 90 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2021

split complementary abstract action painting impasto custom