In the past years where each galleries had to brand themselves with specific niche, Kendys Gallery was founded by Melany Gunawan as a sister gallery for an alternative collection to its modern art counterpart gallery. As the latter has adopted sculptures and established artists of other genres, Kendys was inactive temporarily outside art fairs until late 2019.
Since 2023, we have been readjusted our focus and reactivated the platform on art fairs & exhibitions .
Starting from 2024, Kendys strives to focus on its roots with new direction, as a contemporary gallery with illustrative & abstract works for both new audience & connoisseurs alike, with the thematic focus of the takes of current generations on the relevant subjects of our time.
Reach us for
Art Collection
Customized Artworks
Event &/ Exhibitions
Denny Yustana
Kendys Gallery is located at Jakarta Art Hub (Wisma Geha Building)
Post-exhibition display at Andi’s Gallery (Tanah Abang IV)