Suwandi Waeng
Based in Malang, Suwandi Waeng has works inspired by his childhood, delivered in a signature combination of colors that would challenge a seasoned artist to use together.
More than just a proficient impressionist, he also does storytelling using nature and stylized everyday objects as symbolisms to express his memories in such a way that is open for interpretation for the audience.
Solo Exhibition
Reminiscence :// Kendys Gallery, Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta
Transplastik 2016 :// Artotel, Surabaya
Group Exhibitions
Flat Circle Stagnants, July 20th:// Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta
OMG? RED! ^ D^, May 4th :// Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta
Closed Alpha Testing 2024 March 16th- April 28th :// Kendys Gallery, Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta , Indonesia
Before Kendys
2001 : Gelar Seni Rupa III, GOR Ganesha Batu
2003 : Gelar Seni Rupa IV, GOR Ganesha Batu
2004 : Ada Batu Dimatamu” di Galeri Raos Batu
2005 : Godokan” di Galeri Raos Batu
: Festival Seni Surabaya” (FFS), di Gedung Merah Putih Surabaya
2006 : Naissance” di gedung Ramayana, Malang
: Reborn” di Galeri Raos Batu
: Potret Diri” di Galeri Raos Batu
2007 : Gelar Akbar” di DKM, malang
: Spirit For Indonesia” di Galeri Rupa II, TIM Jakarta
: Sketsa dari titik menjadi garis” d Galeri Raos, Batu
: Peduli Seni dengan Aksi” Galeri Semar Malang
2008 : Thing + Think = Everything” Gracia Galeri Surabaya
: Episode november di gallery raos batu
: Kesenangan” TBS Surabaya
: FSS” (Festival Seni Surabaya), Gedung Merah Putih Surabaya
: Bang Wetan” Manusia Sahabat Alam, Alam Sahabat Manusia, Di Surabaya
: Legenda Apel” Gracia Galeri Surabaya
2009 : Of No Value” Orasis Galeri, Surabaya
: Inbox” Orasis Galeri, Surabaya
: Biennale Jatim III” Seni Galeri Surabaya
2010 : Kontemplation’’´Perpustakaan Malang
: Amazing Grace’’ orasis galery surabaya
: masa lalu spirit masa kini’’ Orasis Surabaya
2011 : AAF Singapore art fair’’ artXchange Gallery Singapore
: The Origin Of The World’’ artXchange Gallery singapore
: Deversiti’’ artXchange Gallery Singapo
: A Tribute to Dali’’ artXchange Gallery Singapore
2012 : Real unreal” artXchange Gallery Singapore
: Seni (3) zaman , artXchange Gallery Malaysia
: JATIM ART NOW “ Gallery Nasional Jakarta
: POST TECHNO“ Go Art Space Surabaya
: Affordable ART Fair (AAF) with art Xchange Gallery at F1 Pit building, Singapore
: Sponn Art Fair HK 12 with art Xchange Gallery Art grand Hyatt, Hongkong
: Group Exhibition“ UneARTh Asia ‘ With Art artXchange Gallery Art Expo Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
: Asia Contemporary Art show with art artXchange Gallery art Grand Hyatt, Hongkong
2013 : PICTURING PICTURES“ Art Exhibition with artXchange Gallery at the Ho Chi Minh City fine art museum, Vietnam.
: Group Exhibition“ Multeity in Unity” with artXchange gallery at ION Art Gallery, Singapore
: ART TAIPEI“ World Trade Center Exhibition Hall One . Taiwan
: Bienal Jatim” di orasis art gallery
: MALAYSIA ART FAIR” Matrade Center
: Treasure of generation “ gedung ganesha, Batu, Jawa Timur
2016 : Mandiri Art Charity“ Plaza Mandiri Jakarta
: December Rain” Galeri Raos Batu.
: Dedicated Aesthetic #2” Universitas Brawijaya Malang.
2017 : BtoB, Group Ehibition, Galeri Raos Batu
: Body Scape, RuangDalam Art House, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
: Sudut sudut kota,art exhibition . Galeri Raos Batu, Jatim
: B to B #2 Komaneka Art Gallery . Ubud – Bali
2018 : Pasisi Lango “ Gate Of Transition “ Art Exibhition .Lv 8 Resort Hotel , Canggu - Bali
: TONG EDAN “ Bentara Budaya Jakarta
: SAP [ September art project] Studio jaring . Batu
: PBSR Jawa Madura Gedung Graha Pancasila. Batu
: LIGHT SPACE Studio 299 Artlab . Batu
: “ EXPLORING “ MAM [ mini art malang ] DKM [Dewan Kesenian Malang ]
2019 : “ BUBU #1, studio jaring Batu
: “ MINI SEKSI “#1 + sir , Studio Jaring Batu
: “ JANGAN LODEH “ Omahcubungartmovement , Blitar
: “ KONTRAKSI “ Gallery Nasional Indonesia . Jakarta
: “ CONNECTEDNESS” SANTRIAN allery .Sanur Denpasar Bali
: “ MAM “ Gedung DKM Malang
: “ PERSONA MAXIMO “ 299 Artlab . Batu – Jatim
: “ NAP “ November Art Progress . Tulungagung
2020: “ Mini seksi “ #2 Rang dalam arthouse . Yogyakarta
: “ Daring Manifesto VII . Galeri Nasional Indonesia
2021 : "INJURY TIME “ Galeri Raos BATU
: "MOMENTUM "Pameran kelompok ‘NESOS’ Sewon bantul yogyakarta
: " gallery RUBANAH Jakarta
: " QUE SHERA SHERA " Galleri Raos Batu
: " PROSAIC POETIC " NESOS #2 . NW artspace jogjakarta
: " art jakarta .bersama Ruangdalam arthouse JCC
: " MAM " Gedung dkm malang
2023 : " ARTPRESSOUND" Bersama perupa batu . GALERY RAOS BATU
: " NEW HOPE Bersama Xchange Gallery . Di Galeri Nasional JKT
: " MAM " Mini art Malang
: " DI ANTARA HUJAN " Artotelstsuit Surabaya
: " ARTMOMENT " with Andi's gallery .Sheraton .JAKARTA
: “DIVERSITY “ Teh Villa Gallery Surabaya
2024 : GREY ART AWARD “ BLACK AND WHITE “ GREY Gallery Bandung
last updated August 1st 2024
2024 Solo Show at Kendys Gallery
Happy Zone
135 x 135 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Ingin Tumbuh
Diameter 30 cm
Paper Pulp & Resin
Mengelilingi Batas
140 x 120 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Mengiring Awan
120 x 140 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Menjelang Senja #1
140 x 120 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Menjelang Senja #2
140 x 120 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Menjelang Senja #3
140 x 140 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Kabut Praduga
140 x 120 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Fly My Mind #1
65 x 70 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Fly My Mind #2
65 x 70 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Aku dan Batu
120 x 140 cm
Glitter & Acrylic on Canvas
Puisi Semesta #1
40 x 50 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Puisi Semesta #2
40 x 50 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Selalu Ada Jalan
50 x 55
Acrylic on Canvas
Bumiku Sayang
50 x 55 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Memories Series 1
120 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024
Exhibited in Art Jakarta Gardens 2024
Memories Series 2
145 x 150 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024
Exhibited in Art Jakarta Gardens 2024
Unnatural Love
130 x 150 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024
In Unnatural Love, Suwandi Waeng visually reconstructs plants into abstraction & fantasy. In our lives, we certainly cannot escape the necessities of life as normal humans who have various desires as a standard for a stable life. However, whether or not we realize it, humans actually have many desires past beyond the standard of their needs, and in order to have them, there are many who break through the norms of life and the universe's accepted boundaries.
Dalam karyanya "Unnatural Love", Suwandi Waeng secara visual merekonstruksi tanaman menjadi bentuk abstraksi dan fantasi. Dalam kehidupan kita, sebagai manusia biasa yang memiliki berbagai keinginan sebagai standar hidup yang stabil, kita tentu tidak bisa lepas dari kebutuhan dasar. Namun, disadari atau tidak, manusia sebenarnya memiliki banyak hasrat yang melampaui standar kebutuhannya, dan untuk meraihnya, banyak yang melanggar norma kehidupan dan batas-batas yang diterima alam semesta.
Calling Back Memories 2
65 x 70 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024 - Sold
Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing
Suwandi Waeng directs the eye through perspective & complementary color contrast straight from the sapling towards an seat, mirroring isolation but also the image of beauty and fulfillment found in an off-beaten path.
The second installment of Calling Back Memories arrives packed with hefty design element that are rare due to the difficulty to convey especially in unison, starting off with the pseudo-masking effect that is the change of color within the same scope of subjects which would’ve been muddy had it been just glazed instead of applied manually, or impossible in the case of inverted values. All done on top of already tricky-to-orchestrate tetradic palette (the play of four hues made of two different opposites).
Moreover, the electric accents of lime green and hot pink are equally infamous for being too overwhelming and therefore rarely seen outside of pop art. The combination of said aspects makes a stellar example of having great attention to details like the traditional days of fine art all the while neatly wrapped in daring approaches.
Calling Back Memories 3
65 x 70 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024 - Sold
Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing
The third piece of the Calling Back Memories series is linked still to the others by the dashing accent of the sapling, this time having been increased giving the sense of progression.
No longer having an equally strong tone to play off against, this time with the company of cracked earth & branches they serve as a natural frame that brings out the cathartic escape the clearing has provided, finally out of the woods.
In contrast to the previous piece, the as-of-now final piece of the series gives a sense of conclusion after tension of the prequel. Reflecting not only the sense of peace much needed in the zenith of day, but also works in tandem as a rest area within the context of the exhibition.
Memori #1
100 x 100 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Exhibited in OMG? RED! ^ D^
Waeng invokes his specialty of undistorted surrealism where he bends the dimension surrounding everyday objects, geometrical shapes and fantastical abstractions in Memori #1. Panoramic hue of sky blue and clouds crossing the plane emit a space torn that is negated by origami doves and autumn trees.
Ladang Samping Rumah
45 x 55 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Lembah Dekat Rumah
45 x 55 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Bunga Gunung #3
50 x 50 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Menunggu Sore
50 x 50 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
40 x 40 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Memori #2
100 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Metamorfosis Kunang Kunang
100 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023
Self Reflection
170 x 185 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2022
Masih Ada Jalan
50 x 50 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2022