Nadia Diandra
This artist from Yogyakarta Special Region started her career in 2011, when she was in high school. Since then, she has been actively participating in both collective and solo exhibitions.
In her creative process, Nadia often tells personal stories or things that are closest to her. Her works are presented through acrylic paint on canvas or experimental materials (such as fabric, thread, resin, etc.) that are collaged on canvas.
The color characteristics of her visuals are feminine, combining soft pastel and bold colors. Nadia wraps tales of happiness to juxtaposed somberness in her works with bright colors.
last updated March 25th 2024
Solo Exhibitions
Flat Circle Stagnants, July 20th :// Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta
On Sunlit Path, June 8th :// Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta
OMG? RED! ^ D^, May 4th :// Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta
Closed Alpha Testing 2024 March 16th- April 28th :// Kendys Gallery, Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta , Indonesia
BLOOM 2023 :// Meditteranea Yogyakarta
Dua Sisi 2017 :// Dua Sisi, Pendhapa Art Space, Yogyakarta
Group Exhibitions
Come As You Are 2023 :// Till Drop, Yogyakarta
Keep the Fire On #9 2023 :// Survive Garage, Yogyakarta
Art Moments 2023 :// Intercontinental Jimbaran, Bali
SEKUEL Duo Exhibition 2023 :// Artotel, Yogyakarta
Art Jakarta Gardens 2023 :// Hutan Kota by Plataran, Jakarta
The Big Picture 2023 :// Ashta District 8, Jakarta
Time Wanderers 2023 :// G Print Making, Yogyakarta
JICAF #2 2022 :// Pakuwon, Yogyakarta
Bertumbuh 2021 :// Gallery SMSR, Yogyakarta
All The Small Things 2020 :// CANS Gallery, Yogyakarta
Bibir Merah 2019 :// Indigo Art Space Madiun, Jawa Timur
Tugas Akhir ISI FSR 2019 :// R.J Katamsi ISI, Yogyakarta
Spatial Exhibition 2018 :// HONF, Yogyakarta
Jogja Punya Siapa 2018 :// Festagama UGM, Yogyakarta
Keep the Fire On #4 2018 :// Survive Garage, Yogyakarta
APIK Exhibition 2018 :// RJ Katamsi ISI, Yogyakarta
Fragmen Kecil 2017 :// Nalarroepa Ruang Seni, Yogyakarta
Keep the Fire on #3 2017 :// Survive Garage, Yogyakarta
Locco Trunk Show 2017 :// Loops Cafe, Yogyakarta
Color of Chaos 2017 :// Asmara Art & Coffee Shop, Yogyakarta
Showcase 2017 :// Sangkring Art Space Yogyakarta
58th Sanggar Bambu 2017 :// Galeri SMSR, Yogyakarta
Bloom in Diversity 2017 :// Bale Banjar Sangkring, Yogyakarta
The Balance 2017 :// Limanjawi Art House Magelang, Jawa Tengah
Handar Beni 2016 :// Galeri SMR, Yogyakarta
Singgah Menggulma 2016 :// Ruang Gulma, Yogyakarta
Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta 2016 :// Plaza Ngasem, Yogyakarta
Sketsa Merah Putih 2016 :// Galeri SMSR, Yogyakarta
All You Can Art XI 2016 :// Joja National Museum, Yogyakarta
Dies Natalis ISI Yogyakarta :// RJ Katamsi ISI, Yogyakarta
Edu Art Exhibition 2016 :// Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Yoyakarta
History Abad XX with Orchestra 2016 :// ISI Concert Hall, Yogyakarta
Go Ahead 2016 :// Langgeng Art Foundation, Yogyakarta
Red Apel 2016 :// Indiechology, Yogyakarta
DECEM 2015 :// Loops Station, Yogyakarta
Art and Emotion 2015 :// Limanjawi Art House Megalang, Jawa Tengah
Nandur Srawung #2 2015 :// Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Disleksia Exhibition 2015 :// Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta
Drawing Nusantara 2015 :// Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
Majapahit Exhibition 2015 :// Biennale Teracotta, Plataran Djoko Pekik, Kasongan, Yogyakarta
Under Construction 2015 :// Joja Gallery, Yogyakarta
Rambut Putih 2015 :// Tahun Mas Art Room, Yogyakarta
Bangku Sekulah 2015 :// Seturan, Yoyakarta
Membaca Kampus 2015 :// Ajiyasa FSR ISI, Yogyakarta
Surga Rupa 2015 :// Plaza ISI, Yogyakarta
Mbalung Sungsum 2014 :// Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta
Expresi 2013 :// Galeri SMSR, Yogyakarta
Travelink 2012 :// Survave Garage, Yogyakarta
Art Free 2012 :// Rupa Garasi, Yogyakarta
Good Culture Good Future 2012 :// Galeri SMSR, Yogyakarta
The Beginning 2011 :// XT Square, Yogyakarta
last updated March 25th 2024
Reminiscing Romance (A Portrait)
50 x 50 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Exhibited in Flat Circle Stagnants
We only remember moments in our own way to
preserve those moments, we only see what we want
to see, we only remember what we want to
remember. Not exactly how they happened.
a Sentimental era
120 x 100 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024
Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing
Resuming her signature lightheartedness induced designs, this cuddly piece is first highlighting a tough & defensive exterior, one inescapably donned on the digital landscape despite the civility, common decency and altruism we still practice regularly on in-person encounters.
Continuing the duality are the reddish eyes on the costume that portray an emotional exhaustion and the flowery nature, seemingly longing for embrace that will stay halted as long as the short reach is maintained by the garment of the beast.
Nyaring Bunyinya (Sold)
Batu Loncatan
Raining Flowers
Connecting People
Good Pool
40 x 40 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023 & 2022 (Raining Flowers)
Exhibited in OMG? RED! ^ D^ & Art Moments Bali
Nadia’s works has been known to intentionally juxtapose sadness and happiness in the same pieces. In the exhibition’s arrangement, the work Nyaring Bunyinya opens as it’s most reminiscent of an Indonesian proverb equivalent to “the empty barrel rings the loudest”, despite the moment shared followed by Batu Loncatan translates to Stepping Stone, depicts a quid pro quo situation.
Binding the piece is a flowery figure which has been the icon of her works, present in many before though never in multiplicity, present works included, making the piece feel introspective much as it could depict interpersonal like-minded individuals.The fourth piece Connecting People returns the festivity, with the quote of the artist “In the end, one fine line will connect us”. Ending the five with a cathartic downtime between the two figures, fittingly titled “Good Pool”, evoking a metaphorical pool of people.