christmas watercolor acrylic resin gallery illustration fine art festive


Emerging from Indonesia, Marrsudy started off his career in fine art world bold with different mediums and their mixture. His works often focus on a central figure, upon which fictional & magical realism expressions are laid upon, heavy on the symbolisms. While at times his paintings takes over the foreground, Marrsudy also has the draftsman proficiency of linework that builds the foundation of his illustrations. The mood of Marrsudy’s artworks ranges from dark, joyous, to festive while the visuals has the fable quality of Mark Ryden and portraits reminiscent of Audrey Kawasaki.

Latest Exhibitions

  • On Sunlit Path, june 8th :// Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta

  • Closed Alpha Testing 2024 March 16th- April 28th :// Kendys Gallery, Jakarta Art Hub, Wisma Geha, Jakarta , Indonesia

  • All the Small Things 2023 December 9th - January 9th :// CANS Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia

  • All the Small Things 2017 August 10th-17th :// Qubicle, Senopati 79, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

last updated July 26th 2024


Summer Wars Z

100 x 75 cm - Watercolor, Acrylic & Resin - 2024


Exhibited in On Sunlit Path

Summer Wars

100 x 75 cm - Watercolor, Acrylic & Resin - 2024


Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing

Bonding a rare combination of 3 mediums and setting the unusual base, Summer Wars also continues flashing a feat through controlling multiple loud imageries amplified it’s vibrant main palette and even yet more three neon color accents. Even before receiving the main figure, this piece sustains interests the moment it was seen.

Locked on to the concept of remembrance, the symbolisms in this painting is by no means any less dense. Starting from the base the oblong shape is one of a time capsule, specifically the memories preservation type of one generation for the next. As such the striking accent colors were chosen to be the most vivid to be as memorable visually as the metaphorical counterpart; the times brought by liberating sounds of the particular summer. The latter is illustrated by the iconic cicada, which emerge every summer but will potentially become scarce to come by in the future thus as a result forgotten. To tie everything up, the little girl giddy for what she has on the vinyl expresses the legacy of a child’s memory.